Suriname concludes successful DWCP III validation workshop
16 December 2022

A Tripartite Validation Workshop for Suriname's third Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP III) was held in Paramaribo on 10 November 2022. The workshop co-organized by the ILO and the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Youth Affairs, gave social partners the opportunity to discuss and validate the priority areas of intervention, short and medium-term strategic outcomes and the operationalizing of the implementation plan for the DWCP III.
The DWCP defines how constituents, with the support of the ILO and other key social partners, work together towards the attainment of decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security, and human dignity. The DWCP identifies three areas of priority and sets out associated outcomes are expected to be achieved over a specified period of time.
The priorities identified in the DWCP III (draft) are:
1. Jobs, productivity, and sustainable growth;
2. Livelihoods, human capital, and a skilled workforce;
3. Labour market governance and labour rights.
The DWCP III is being designed to integrate and find synergies with the Multi-Country Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (MSDCF) 2022-2026, and the accompanying Country Implementation Plan for Suriname, which guides the activities and priorities of the wider UN system across the Caribbean region.
The official signing of the DWCP III is scheduled to take place in January 2023. The implementation phase is set to commence 01 February 2023 and run for a period of 3 years (2023-2026).