Press Release

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Planning Bureau and United Nations Suriname launch the Country Implementation Plan (CIP) 2022-2023 Formulation Process

08 February 2022

On February 3, 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Business, and International Cooperation (BIBIS) and the Planning Bureau Suriname (SPS), in collaboration with United Nations Suriname kicked-off the development of the Country Implementation Plan (CIP) 2022-2023 at Royal Ballroom Torarica.

CIP Kick-off meeting

Several stakeholders participated in the February 3rd launch meeting, which brought together representatives of different ministries, the Planning Bureau, Statistics Bureau Suriname, and UN agencies operating in Suriname. Participants had the tasks of formulating the priority activities and programs required to facilitate the sustainable development of Suriname. The CIP serves to operationalize the new Multi-Country Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2022-2026 (MSDCF) at the local level and is therefore a very important tool as indicated by Ms. Marina Walter, Resident Coordinator of the UN.

CIP Kick-off meeting 2
Photo: © UN Suriname

The MSDCF for the English- and Dutch-speaking Caribbean, covering the period 2022-2026, is an important instrument for planning and implementation of the UN development activities towards the fulfilment of the 2030 Agenda. This framework has been developed as the world continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic. In the Caribbean, as elsewhere, the impact of the pandemic aggravated and revealed existing structural vulnerabilities. The CIP allows all stakeholders the opportunity to address many of these vulnerabilities. In an effort to deliver the strategic goals of the Surinamese government and its stakeholders, the MSDCF is guided by four main priority areas:

» Economic resilience and shared prosperity

» Equality and well-being

» Resilience to climate change and shocks, and sustainable natural resource management

» Peace, safety, justice, and the rule of law

Under each of these four priority areas, specific desired changes were defined for UN contribution which were guided by different sources such as the Multi-Year Development Plan (OP) 2022- 2026 and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Adley Breeveld

Adley Breeveld

Communications Focal Point

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Resident Coordinator Office

Goals we are supporting through this initiative